Practical Amateur Spectroscopy

Now in 2nd printing!

The book has 200 pages chock full of info from basic spectra concepts, through low cost home built spectrographs, to our top of the line instrument. Its specifically targeted at at the serious astronomer who already has his own telescope and is looking to do something more exotic than taking pictures. If your thinking about getting into spectroscopy this should be the only book you'll need on the subject.

We are proud to have been chosen to contribute to the first ever book dedicated to amateur spectroscopy. This is a far cry from only a few years ago when amateur spectra of anything more than the Sun was considered impossible. The leading players in the field each contributed a chapter describing their equipment and procedures so there is something for every reader. We have authored a chapter that shows an overview of the construction details of our spectrograph and data reduction pipeline.

Follow the link below to where you can buy it online.

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